Od Nowego Jorku do San Francisco…
Tutaj znajdziesz ten artykuł po angielsku. Amerykański sen, czyli podróż z Nowego Jorku przez Las Vegas, pustynie, skały, kaniony, góry i doliny do San Francisco w liczbach: 30 dni […]
Tutaj znajdziesz ten artykuł po angielsku. Amerykański sen, czyli podróż z Nowego Jorku przez Las Vegas, pustynie, skały, kaniony, góry i doliny do San Francisco w liczbach: 30 dni […]
American dream: a journey from New York City through Las Vegas, deserts, rocks, canyons, mountains and valleys to San Francisco in numbers: 30 days 20 727 km in air 4 810 km on land 6 […]
Tłumaczenie i ćwiczenia do tego tekstu, jak i inne teksty dotyczące USA znajdziesz w 30-dniowym kursie językowym #USAchallenge, dowiedz się więcej tutaj! When you are in New York City, you […]
The text is in English only. After you read, you’ll find a few words and phrases translated into Polish. The whole text is translated into Polish and can be found in an […]
You can learn about a new place when you stay in a hotel. After all, you can leave the room and go to the museum, to the park, to the steet or to the local market. You can meet with other people, […]
On day 8 during the #USAchallenge I asked you what kind of lodging you prefer when you go on vacation. Some of you like to stay in comfortable 5-star hotels, some of you enjoy being close to nature […]
These are actual complaints received by "THOMAS COOK VACATIONS" from dissatisfied customers... Any comments? :) 1. "On my holiday to Goa in India, I was disgusted to find that almost every […]
We all have dreams… but why does not everyone follow their dreams? Instead ofgoing for a dream we stay idle and come up with excuses for why our dreams are not possible, don’t we? I am […]