Przemiana Językowa | Damian
Masz czasem tak, że pomimo znajomości słówek w momencie, gdy chcesz coś powiedzieć, wszystko wylatuje Ci z głowy?
Damian jest osobą, która mieszka w UK od 5 lat. Ma zasób słownictwa, nie ma problemu z dogadaniem się z innymi, ale szczególnie trudno jest mu utrzymać daną konwersację przez dłuższy czas… Dodatkowo, gdy chce powiedzieć coś dla niego istotnego, słowa, które zna wylatują mu z głowy. Jak sam mówi, ucina wtedy zdanie w połowie.
Pomimo nauki Metodą Callana i innych doświadczeń nie jest usatysfakcjonowany z obecnej znajomości języka: „I can speak but not very well and this is my problem”. Dlatego też postanowił wziąć udział w programie Przemiany Językowej na Vagaru!
Dowiedz się jak okres 3-miesięcznego udziału w programie wpłynął na angielski Damiana, jak się uczył, czy jest zadowolony oraz porównaj nagranie przygotowane prze z niego przed rozpoczęciem programu z nagraniem finałowym.
Jest ono dostępne również w wersji podcast:
(transkrypt obrazuje słowa Damiana, nie zwracaj proszę uwagi na błędy, ale na progres, jaki zrobił 🙂 )
Przed rozpoczęciem Przemiany Językowej:
Hello, my name is Damian. I live in UK for 5 years. I came here in 2012 to Melton Mowbray. This is the small town in the middle in the UK. And I moved to Leicester City when I’m living right now. I were here for 5 years and I speak with English people all the time. Actually, I don’t have problem with communicate with people and I don’t have problem with understand them. I know a lot of words. But I have struggled sometimes to keep a difficult conversation. For example when I speak with somebody for a long time I make all sentences, all words and sometimes I speak something what doesn’t make sense and this is horrible. Sometimes I have a problem that I want to say something but I forget the simple words or sentences. I speak half sentences and I cut it out. So I want to join language changing and I think after 3 months I will speak better and better. I hope so because I used to learn in Callan Method, English School. I used to learn English online, so I know a lot of words and a lot of sentences in English and I can speak but not very well and this is my problem. I hope I will change after 3 months and see you later.
Po ukończeniu programu:
Hello guys. My name is Damian. I live in UK, in Leicester. I’ve been living in England for 5 years. I choose England because I found living here easier than living in Poland. Sometimes I miss my country and I’d like to come back to Poland. Absolutely, I will come back. But I don’t know when… Anyway, I’d like to say something about Vagaru. Because I start learning English on Vagaru I had problem to communicate with other people because I didn’t know what can I say to somebody or I didn’t want to say something, because I didn’t know how. After 3 months of learning English on Przemiana Językowa on Vagaru I feel more confident and I don’t have any problem to speak with somebody. So now I don’t hesitate, I go and speak. It is easy for me now. I know I make some mistakes and I know that I can say something incorrect but I don’t care because I know that people understand me and I understand them. I’m a human after all, so everyone makes mistakes, right? That’s why I don’t care about this too much. If I say something incorrect, I can repeat correct, right? Vagaru gave me more confident. I used to learn on Vagaru about 30 minutes per day. Sometimes I used to learn 10 minutes and sometimes one hour. But my average time of learning was about 30 minutes. And I think 30 minutes is enough to get new knowledge. I mean new words and new sentences in English. Because you can do exercise properly after 30 minutes and you can get some knowledge, right? Vagaru gave me not only new words and not only improve my language but also it gives me a lot of knowledge about different cultures, about different countries, about technology, even history. So if I speak to somebody now, I can speak about the finest buildings in UK, museums, castles or something new and groundbreaking like self-driving cars or internet-connected toys. So Vagaru isn’t only for improving your language but it can also give you some knowledge about geographic, culture or even fashion. So I really recommend you guys to join to Vagaru and start Przemiana Językowa because after 3 months of learning – but you have to learning every single day – after 3 months your results will be amazing. And I see progress after 3 months on myself and I can recommend you guys to do it the same. So thank you for now, that’s it for me and have nice day guys.