Przemiana Językowa | Ewelina

Strach przed popełnieniem błędu odbiera Ci przyjemność z posługiwania się angielskim? Skończ  z tym!

Poznaj Ewelinę, 22-letnią studentkę pedagogiki oraz terapii mowy, która pomimo iż od zawsze uwielbiała angielski, czuła się niepewnie podczas rozmowy z innymi osobami. Jak sama mówi, marzyła o tym, by posługiwać się tym językiem biegle. W tym celu postanowiła przystąpić do programu Przemiany Językowej na Vagaru.

Czy okres 3 miesięcy regularnej nauki na Vagaru pomógł Ewelinie zrealizować swoje cele? Ile i jak się uczyła? Jakie ma rady dla Ciebie? Zobacz, jak zmienił się angielski Eweliny po ukończeniu programu!


Jest również możliwość skorzystania z wersji podcast:


(transkrypt obrazuje słowa Eweliny, nie zwracaj proszę uwagi na błędy, ale na progres, jaki zrobiła 🙂 ) 

Przed rozpoczęciem Przemiany Językowej:

Hi everyone! I’m Ewelina, I’m 22 years old. I’m studying pedagogy and also speech therapy in Białystok. I love music. I like reading books. I skating and I like learning English. I’m learning English through 12 years and I think I never had big problem with that subject at school because I really enjoyed learning English. So why I joined learning transformation? I joined because I want to gain more confidence in speaking English. I have the friends from abroad I didn’t so confident because I was afraid of making mistakes so I want to change it. I was always dreaming about being fluent in English and I think my level of English today is not so good as I want it to be. So I hope that step by step I will achieve my goal – my dream level of English. And my goal for 3 months is learning English every day on Vagaru. And I hope that I will see some results after this time. I really can’t wait for that. So see you after this time.

Po ukończeniu programu:

Hello everyone! It’s really nice to talk to you after 3 months. So once again, I’m Ewelina, I’m 22 years old. I’m studying pedagogy and also speech therapy in Białystok. I love music. I really enjoy singing. It gives me power, energy and it makes me really happy. I also like learning English. I have been learning this language for a twelve years. It was my favourite subject in school. But I joined language transformation to gain more confidence in speaking English. I’m really happy that I can see some results after this time. So what about my learning on Vagaru? For 2 months I was making full program on Vagaru, so I spending there one hour, sometimes less, sometimes more. Everything depends from the topic, from the exercises I had to do during a day. On the last month, I didn’t have a lot of time for English, so I spending there 10 minutes, 20, half an hour. During these 3 months, I had occasion to take part in some webinars so I spent there 8 hours. I know that it is not a lot. I wish I could spend there more time because I really like webinars on Vagaru. And if you are thinking about joining webinars, just don’t think about it a lot, just do it. It’s really helpful because you have occasion to use your English in practice. Bekah and Carmen are there to help you. Everyone is making some mistakes so it’s really good because thanks to this we’re learning from mistakes. Not only our mistakes but also from mistakes of other people. So just do it and take part in some webinars. If you want you can check some webinars and then just do it in reality! Thanks to Vagaru I can talk about different topics. I can rent a car, I can book a venue for the lunch, I can say that there is nothing more refreshing than water from my kitchen tap. I can say that the world of fashion never stay still. It takes hard work and dedication to make career in this industry. I can talk about fashion and names. I can tell you about trains in Japan, which are envy of the world because they are very punctual. I can talk about Ryanair Company. Oh my God, I learnt a lot but it’s hard to me to just say about everything so I just can use my English in practice in a lot of situations. And my favourite exercise on Vagaru was learning from songs, so as I tell you I love music so it was good for me to learn from songs. Yeah, so thanks to Vagaru I know the lyrics of the song Bon Jovi „It’s my life”, Shawn Mendes „There is nothing holding me back”, song of Beyonce „Hello”. So as you can see on Vagaru you can find a lot of interesting topics for you. And I truly recommend you learning on Vagaru because you will finally see some results and I’m really happy, I’m proud of myself because I didn’t give up. It wasn’t always easy but now I know that there is nothing holding me back when it comes to an English. And now it’s not so hard to me to talk in front of the camera, so as you can see Vagaru only has advantages. I hope that you’ll try, just do it and you will not regret.

Blog to nie tylko strona o tym, jak najlepiej nauczyć się słówek i gramatyki, i jak mówić swobodnie po angielsku, uwzględniająca najnowsze doniesienia ze świata neurobiologii, to także i przede wszystkim społeczność otwarta na poszerzanie horyzontów myślowych.

Zabieramy Cię na wagary i pokazujemy inną stronę tego, co zostało utarte. Zabieramy w podróż szlakami mniej uczęszczanymi, a jednak wartymi zachodu. Mówimy o tym, o czym nigdy nie powiedzą Ci w szkole, o tym, jak pokonać strach przed mówieniem, na czym w ogóle nauka polega, a także czym jest fajnie życie, wolne od stresu i lęku, o podróżach, wolności (także) finansowej i o tym, że nie trzeba w ogóle do szkoły chodzić, żeby coś w życiu osiągnąć.

Szalenie prawdopodobnym jest, że po tym, czego się tu dowiesz, Twoje życie nigdy nie będzie takie jak wcześniej, więc wchodzisz na własne ryzyko ;-)

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