DAY 20/30 – misfit
Good Morning! 🙂 How are you going to celebrate Easter? Don’t forget about your words! 🙂
Dzień dobry! Jak będziesz świętować Wielkanoc? Nie zapominaj o słówkach!
misfit (pronunciation) a person who is poorly adapted to a situation or environment – osoba niedopasowana do otoczenia (odmieniec)
He most probably didn’t see himself as a misfit.
Task 1: Create a sentence with the word „misfit”. Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Zadanie 2: Stwórz zdanie ze słowem „misfit”. Napisz je w komentarzach poniżej.
BONUS Native Speaker PHRASE:
He’s by (the) far the terrible musician.
by far – by a great amount
o wiele, zdecydowanie
Task 2: Today THINK about these sentences and words. Try to say them out loud as often as possible. Talk to yourself. Imagine yourself using this sentences. Write them down in the comments below. Your goal is to be able to speak them automatically by the end of the day!
Zadanie 2: Przez cały dzień MYŚL o tych zdaniach i słowach. Staraj się wypowiadać je na głos tak często jak tylko to możliwe. Wyobraź sobie jak wypowiadasz te zdania. Zapisz je komentarzach poniżej. Twoim celem jest wypowiadanie ich automatycznie do końca dnia!
commons (US) – a dining hall in a school or collage
I don’t feel like a misfit, even I don’t know anyone at the party or meeting. My colleague is a bit misfit, because he doesn’t want to socialize with our team.