Dzień 21/30: #USAchallenge
Good morning! 🙂
Time for…
DAY 21/30!
off the beaten track (pronunciation) – in a place where a few people go, far from main roads and towns – poza utartym szlakiem
The canyon we visited was completely off the beaten track.
You can’t find it on a map, the locals call it a „singing canyon” due to its acoustics. We got directions from the office at the ranch we stayed at, which were pretty much like this:
„Drive down the Burr Trail Road (the scenery down the road is breathtaking!). In about 11 miles there is a beautiful small slot canyon on the left hand side.”
Off we went to search for the pearl of the slot canyons 🙂
Whenever you’re near Boulder Town area in Utah, you must go there and find it (especially when you’re looking for places with few people!)! The road and the canyon are amazing! And the mission to even find it is quite an adventure!
PS. Boulder Town and the ranch we stayed at are literally in the middle of nowhere. Surrounded by miles of rocks, rocks and more rocks, there’s only one little shop and a restaurant + cafe. Just a few houses and few local people. It’s one of the most remote places in Utah! The funny thing was that there was no network coverage anywhere. If you wanted to make a phone call, you had to DRIVE about 30 miles to the nearest town, Escalante, where you could (or not!) catch some network! 🙂 I was lucky and got the network coverage!
Tłumaczenie i ćwiczenia do tego tekstu, jak i inne teksty dotyczące USA znajdziesz w 30-dniowym kursie językowym #USAchallenge, dowiedz się więcej tutaj!
off we went – no to pojechaliśmy
few people – mało ludzi
adventure – przygoda
in the middle of nowhere – pośrodku niczego
no network coverage – brak zasięgu
remote – odległy
Time for you to practise!
1. Would you like to live in such a remote place as Boulder Town in Utah?
2. Do you enjoy places off the beaten track?
Tłumaczenie i ćwiczenia do tego tekstu, jak i inne teksty dotyczące USA znajdziesz w 30-dniowym kursie językowym #USAchallenge, dowiedz się więcej tutaj!