Wyzwania Językowe

DAY 3/30 – be done for

Hey there! 🙂 How are you feeling today? Today you’re going to learn… a phrasal verb! And you’ll get your bonus sentences and words as well!

Tell me please how you’re memorizing the words. I am very curious 🙂

Let’s get down to work!

Cześć! Jak się dzisiaj czujesz? Dzisiaj nauczysz się… phrasal verb (czasownika frazowego)! Oczywiście otrzymasz dodatkowe słówka i zdania!

Daj mi znać w jaki sposób zapamiętujesz słówka. Jestem bardzo ciekawa 🙂 Zabieramy się do pracy!

Day 3/30

to be done for (pronunciation done) – to be in serious trouble – być w tarapatach
We’re done for now! Here come the police!

Task1: Have you ever been done for? Write it down in the comments below.

Zadanie1: Czy byłeś kiedykolwiek w tarapatach? Napisz w komentarzach poniżej.

BONUS Native Speaker SENTENCE:

1. I was learning to sing and I practiced in front of a mirror: la, la, la, la, la, la. Hey I’m sounding good. And then I went in front of my friends and my family. I said, oh gosh, I got a little nervous. Then I’d get in front of Sting, Oh my goodness, I am a little more nervous!

Hey I’m sounding good – Ej, dobrze brzmi!
oh gosh – o rety
oh my goodness – o mój Boże

Task2: Today THINK about these sentences and words. Try to say them out loud as often as possible. Talk to yourself. Imagine yourself using this sentences. Write them down in the comments below. Your goal is to be able to speak them automatically by the end of the day!

Zadanie2: Przez cały dzień MYŚL o tych zdaniach i słowach. Staraj się wypowiadać je na głos tak często jak tylko to możliwe. Wyobraź sobie jak wypowiadasz te zdania. Zapisz je komentarzach poniżej. Twoim celem jest wypowiadanie ich automatycznie do końca dnia!

Your bonus words:

once – raz, gdy, kiedyś, pewnego razu (She was once asked what advice she could give to young mothers)


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4 lat temu

I have been done for in the beginning of my Polish immigration. I didn’t have a sustainable job, which allowed me to apply for the residence permit.

4 lat temu

About word’s memorizing: I write new words down to my hand-write vocabulary during doing different English tasks. Later, I try to learn them by heart. It’s easily for me to learn hand-written words, written by myself, than printed-out words. But real memorizing of heart-learned words is happening during using them in real life speaking situations. After that, I don’t forget any word.

Mów swobodnie, myśl po angielsku i odkrywaj z nami świat!