Dzień 10/10: look for/look after
DZIEŃ 10/10
Kto dotrwał do końca? 🙂 Moje gratulacje!!! Daj znać czy historia Mary pomogła Ci zapamiętać wyrażenia z wyzwania!
Dzisiaj dwa czasowniki, które lubią się mylić.
look for – szukać czegoś
I’ve been looking for you everywhere! Wszędzie Cię szukałem!
look after – opiekować się kimś, zajmować się kimś
Do you have any experience in looking after children? Czy masz doświadczenie w opiece nad dziećmi?
Twoje super-ważne zadanie na dzisiaj 🙂
1. W komentarzach poniżej ułóż zdania zawierający dzisiejsze konstrukcje! Przyjrzyj się im uważnie, żeby nie popełnić błędu! 🙂 Dialogi mogą dotyczyć Ciebie, Twojego życia lub mogą być wymyślone. Mogą być śmieszne, dziwne, absurdalne… wszystkie będą dobre!
2. Oprócz tego możesz wykorzystać swoje media społecznościowe (facebook, instagram, snapchat) i gdy będziesz dziś dodawać jakikolwiek wpis… użyj jednego z dzisiejszych zwrotów.
3. Zapisz sobie jeden ze zwrotów w swoim kalendarzu/zeszycie/na lodówce. Powiedz go na głos. Wyobraź sobie, że komuś go mówisz, z kimś rozmawiasz. Wkręć się 🙂
4. POKAŻ mi oraz INNYM jak się uczysz! Zrób foto swoim notatkom i umieść je na facebooku!
5. Skoncentruj się dzisiaj po prostu na tych słowach i zdaniach. Uważaj też, żeby nie przekombinować 🙂 czasem lepiej nauczyć się tego, co masz podane niż wymyślić coś zawiłego. Nie zawsze jest też czas na wymyślenie zdania… w komentarzu śmiało zostaw zdanie, które już jest. To jest Twoja nauka. Każda jest dobra. Liczy się regularny kontakt z językiem.
Dzisiejszy dzień to Twój mały krok w osiągnięciu płynności w mówieniu po angielsku. Brawo! 🙂
A na koniec historia Mary – bohaterki, której historia sprawi, że z pewnością zapamiętasz wszystkie nowe zwroty…
Travelling is a way of life for Mary. She loves travelling, both to remote places and neighbouring towns. She’s just come back from Asia and she is tired because of a very long journey. She also enjoys short weekend trips so that she can be close to nature. She lives in New York, which is a huge city. Mary works as a tour guide. But she’s unlike a typical tour guide. Everyday she tells tourists crazy stories about the city which they won’t find out about from anyone else. One day a tourist from New Zealand asked her out…
She never went out with her clients but New Zealand was the place she had always wanted to visit. She wanted to meet someone from her dream destination. There was so much he could tell her about New Zealand. She agreed.
They were supposed to meet after she finished work. To her surprise, he never appeared. It made her sad for a short while. However, she didn’t go back home on that Friday starry night. There’s so much to do in Manhattan…
While she was sipping her latte in her favourite cafe, she didn’t notice a man approaching her…
A man she had never met before was wearing a white hat and a red coat. He didn’t say anything to her. He left a piece of paper on the table next to her latte and went away. „What the heck!?” She told herself. The guy didn’t even explain anything to her.
There was something written there…
Just a few words: „If you still want to spend a little time with me, meet me at the Corner coffee shop”. There were few moments in her life when she felt so confused.
After all, he put a lot of effort into meeting her. „Okay then, let’s give it a shot!” she thought. When she entered the coffee shop, it was bursting at the seams.
„How can I find him in this place?” she wondered. „How is he going to see me among so many people? Wait… What is going on here??”
All of a sudden a big bouquet of blue roses appeared in front of her. She didn’t know what to do. She was afraid that she forgot what the guy looked like. „What if I can’t recognize him?” she thought.
But she did. He was holding the flowers, smiling radiantly. All people in the cafe started singing „Happy Birthday”. She was shocked. Her birthday was on the next day. He was the first person she met who showed huch much he cared about her.
He even took care of throwing her birthday party. But wait… how did he know about this??
His name was Danny and he was her best friend’s (whose name was Monica) cousin. It was Monica’s idea to organize the whole birthday surprise party 🙂
Danny turned out to be a very nice guy. He was the perfect guide for her trip to New Zealand. Who knows, maybe he was the man she was looking for…
he turned out to be – okazał się być