13/13 – beyond one’s comprehension
Today is the last day of our challenge! I hope you enjoyed it this time, too! beyond one’s comprehension (pronunciation comprehension) - very hard to believe, outside one’s ability to […]
Today is the last day of our challenge! I hope you enjoyed it this time, too! beyond one’s comprehension (pronunciation comprehension) - very hard to believe, outside one’s ability to […]
it dawned on me (pronunciation dawn on) - someone suddenly thought of sth It dawned on me (who, what, where, when, why, how, how much, how many, that) - knowledge suddenly appeared out of the […]
once in a blue moon (pronunciation) - very rarely, not often (very informal) In Polish - od wielkiego dzwonu, bardzo rzadko You work a lot! Don’t you ever get a day off? Once in a […]
(not) at all (pronunciation) - zero percent (this expression is often used at the end of negative sentences!) w ogóle, wcale - zero procent (to wyrażenie jest najcześciej używane […]
hit it off (pronunciation) - get along with someone right away (about people who meet each other for the first time and like each other) In Polish - polubić się od razu, „zaskoczyć” (o […]
give it a shot (pronunciation) - give it a try, try something, give sth a chance to happen Po polsku: spróbować - dać czemuś szansę Remember not to use this idiom with something that […]
:) to keep your chin up (pronunciation chin) If someone tells you to keep your chin up they’re showing their support for you, and it’s a way of saying “stay strong, you’ll get […]
to cut to the chase (pronunciation) to focus on what is important, to get to the point. Be careful how you use this idiom, because if used while talking to someone superior like a college […]
to look like a million dollars/bucks Look absolutely fabulous and really attractive. It can also mean to feel healthy. Wyglądać fantastycznie i atrakcyjnie. Wyrazenie może również […]
to blow off steam (pronunciation) In reality only electrical equipment (like an electric jug) can blow off steam. If you’re angry or stressed or are experiencing strong feelings and you […]
Hope you've mastered previous words! :) Enjoy your today's word! to pitch in (pronunciation pitch) To join in and help someone with something; to join forces with others. Dołączyć się i […]
Thank you for all your comments from yesterday! :) I am reading them and I am planning a challenge (actually MANY challenges) that will help you write and speak English CORRECTLY! :) Now, here […]