Wyzwania Językowe

27/30 – freak out

There are only 3 DAYS left and you will finally read the BBC article in which you’ll find all the words you’ve been learning! Can’t wait for that? 🙂

Now, get down to work and study today’s word!

Time for DAY 27!

(verb) to freak out (pronunciation– to lose emotional control from extreme excitement, shock, fear, joy, despair, etc. – wariować, wychodzić z siebie, wkurzyć się

(noun) freak-out – a wildly irrational reaction

It’s not the cops dude, don’t freak out.
When he saw the accident, he freaked out.

Question 1: In what situation did you freak out? Please write your answers in your comments below or on the wall of the event!

Pytanie 1: W jakich sytuacjach wyszedłeś z siebie? Napisz swoje odpowiedzi w komentarzach poniżej lub na ścianie wydarzenia na Facebooku!

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4 lat temu

I freaked out, when I found out my flight cancelled. Usually I freak out if somebody unreasonably drives his/her car too slowly before me.

Mów swobodnie, myśl po angielsku i odkrywaj z nami świat!