Wyzwania Językowe

DAY 29/30 – a round peg in the square hole

Hello! Are you ready for an… IDIOM? 🙂 

Witaj! Gotowy na idiom?

a round peg in the square hole (or: a square peg in a round hole) – smn who is uncomfortable or who does not belong in a particular situation – nie pasować jak groch przy drodze

​I feel like a square peg in a round hole at my office. Everyone else seems ambitious and dedicated to their work and I just want to make a living.
Trying to teach me how to cook is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. I have no idea what to do in the kitchen.

Task 1: Create a sentence with today’s word. Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Zadanie 2: Stwórz zdanie z dzisiejszym słówkiem. Napisz je w komentarzach poniżej.

We are supposed to be different. (My) mamy być inni. 

Task 2: Today THINK about these sentences and words. Try to say them out loud as often as possible. Talk to yourself. Imagine yourself using this sentences. Write them down in the comments below. Your goal is to be able to speak them automatically by the end of the day!

Zadanie 2: Przez cały dzień MYŚL o tych zdaniach i słowach. Staraj się wypowiadać je na głos tak często jak tylko to możliwe. Wyobraź sobie jak wypowiadasz te zdania. Zapisz je komentarzach poniżej. Twoim celem jest wypowiadanie ich automatycznie do końca dnia!


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4 lat temu

I feel like a square peg in a round hole among boring, passive, close-minded people, which stuck in their own mud. Trying to teach me skiing or skating is like fitting a square peg in a round hole. Winter sports is not mine.

Mów swobodnie, myśl po angielsku i odkrywaj z nami świat!