Dzień 30/30: #USAchallenge
JET LAG - a temporary disorder that causes fatigue, insomnia and other symptoms as a result of air travel across time zones - złe samopoczucie spowodowane różnicą między strefami […]
JET LAG - a temporary disorder that causes fatigue, insomnia and other symptoms as a result of air travel across time zones - złe samopoczucie spowodowane różnicą między strefami […]
DAY 29/30 Widok z hotelu/kasyna the Venetian. patron - a customer of a shop, restaurant, etc. especially a regular one - klient This car park is for the use of patrons only. Maska […]
DAY 28/30 turnout (pronunciation) - a place at the side of a narrow road where cars can wait to let others pass - mijanka, pobocze (AmE) - miejsce, gdzie można zjechać, aby przepuścić […]
Somewhere in Little Italy in NYC… I had to check if ice cream tastes like in Italy ;) take out (pronunciation) - a meal cooked and bought at a shop or a restaurant but taken somewhere else, […]
Takie napisy w kraju, w którym produkuje się tony niezdrowej i przetworzonej żywności, gdzie frytki ociekają tłuszczem i ludzie zajadają się chemią w najczystszej postaci, dają nadzieję na […]
DAY 25/30 fabulous (pronunciation) - extremely good, incredible, marvelous, purely imaginary/known about only through myths and legends - fantastyczny, bajkowy, niewiarygodny Welcome to […]
Hello! :) I'll be quick today! :) Don't forget to leave a comment! :) DAY 24/30 stay/keep off - not go onto a particular area - trzymać się z dala The photo was taken on Route 66, […]
Bywałam w różnych krajach europejskich i muszę przyznać, że Stany są jednym z krajów najbardziej przyjaznych dzieciom :) Mnóstwo udogodnień dla dzieciaków dosłownie wszędzie, place […]
Imagine you want to do shopping. You are about to pull the door handle when you see this: It's not very common in Poland, is it? :) (I will be) back in a flash - be back very […]
Good morning! :) Time for... DAY 21/30! off the beaten track (pronunciation) - in a place where a few people go, far from main roads and towns - poza utartym szlakiem The canyon we […]
Hey there ;) Today’s topic is a serious one. I don’t know how many of you are even aware of the problem that California is facing. What am I taking […]
Morning! :) I'm going to cut to the chase today! :) DAY 19/30 (to be) out of order - not working - nie działać The gas pump is out of order. gas pump - dystrybutor […]