Przemiana Językowa | Luiza

Luiza jest matką dwójki cudownych dzieci, która na rzecz opieki nad ukochanymi maluchami nie miała okazji używać angielskiego w praktyce. Wcześniej pracując w dużej korporacji zarówno angielski, jak i niemiecki były stałymi częściami jej pracy.

Pomimo tego,  jaka sama mówi, uczy się już angielskiego praktycznie 20 lat i wciąż nie czuje się w pełni swobodnie… Rozpoczęła naukę na Vagaru, by nabrać pewności siebie i odnowić swój stały kontakt z językiem! W tym celu postanowiła również wziąć udział w programie Przemiany Językowej.

Zobacz, jak okres nauki na Vagaru wpłynął na Luizę, dowiedz się jak się uczyła oraz czym nauka na Vagaru różni się od jej wcześniejszych doświadczeń.

Możesz skorzystać także z wersji podcast:


(transkrypt obrazuje słowa Marysi, nie zwracaj proszę uwagi na błędy, ale na progres, jaki zrobiła 🙂 ) 

Przed rozpoczęciem Przemiany Językowej:

Hi Aggie. It’s me, my name is Luiza and I’d like to take part in Language Transformation cause I’d like to speak more English, speak better and be more confident in speaking. So that’s why I’d like to start this adventure. Now, for almost two weeks I was learning English everyday with Vagaru and it’s big pleasure for me to be part of this wonderful team of people who aim the same goal as me. Thank you very much for this opportunity. It’s a  wonderful idea. I am happy to be there, to wake up every morning whether is something new and I can’t wait to learn more and to see more nice things to learn. I’ve been trying to find many applications and courses but till now I’m learning English for almost 20 years, since secondary school but current methods were not for me cause there were not sufficiently fulfilling what I was expecting from learning a foreign language. And I was waiting for Vagaru. So, maybe a little bit words about me. I’m almost 30 years old. I live near Warsaw in small town but come from Białystok, the capital of Podlasie, beautiful town and city. I invite everyone. Currently I am a full time mother. Mother of 2 beautiful, cute kids: one boy is almost 3 years old and my little girl is now almost 5 months. So I’m really busy now and I can hardly find time for anything for me, like hobbies cause it’s really hard because my days are really fast right now and I don’t have time for sleeping. But Im trying to find time. If I have only 10 minutes I try to use it, because it really works for me (Vagaru). Before my parental life I worked in big corporation when I needed to use foreign languages like English and German. But now I have almost 3 years I’m at home and I don’t use English on regular basis. So I try to change it. When we talk about what I’m interested in is of course learning foreign languages and I like good, healthy cooking, I enjoy listening to good music. It relaxes me and I love spending my time with my children, family. Especially outside. I like going around neighbourhood with my family.  I think that I’ve said everything, almost everything… I can’t wait what will change after these 3 months if I will speak more confident and without many errors. Thank you very much for that and I recommend you guys to learn English with Vagaru! Bye, bye, see you!

Po ukończeniu programu:

Hi, my name is Luiza and I’ve finished my 3 months of language transformation and I’d like to share with you my experiences after these 3 months. First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. So I live near Warsaw. I’m 30 years old. I’m full time mother of lovely kids: boy and a girl. I’m at home for almost 3 years. During those years I had many problems with using English on a regular basis so I wanted to change this and make learning English a habit for every day. And Vagaru was a wonderful idea that Aggie and Kamil had invented because it helped me to use a language every day. Even it was only 10 minutes per day but really guys, you should believe me, cause it works. Even if you had a cough, if you’re not feeling well… If you open a Vagaru and listen Hyman – this man is awesome, he can give you such a big kick in ass. I mean his energy is amazing, you just want to be like him, to speak like him, to follow his voice. Webinars with him are something I can recommend you! Also, you have an option to have a revision with him. You open a short video, revising the things that you’ve learnt this day. I also used Memrise application for learning new vocabulary, where you can hear a word and you have many exercises. The word you learnt, you can keep it in your head, so I think it’s very useful. But I have to say that I wasn’t such a systematic student… I have to admit there were days I was not on Vagaru active because of some problems with children, where they were not feeling well… But it will be my new year’s revolution to change it and find time for English! What I’ve learnt? I’d like to share some vocabulary with you: I can rent a car, I can rent an apartment, I can for example talks spontaneously about clothing, about home schooling… There were also words that I keep in my mind: I’d like to be laid back and relaxed when I learn English. And if I listened to Native Speaker talking English I just let it go and I tried to be relaxed. I know that the world is my oyster and I decide about the future and if I wanted my future will be a great fun, happiness and while learning English I should try to make it real. The most important thing that I’ve learnt is that if you want to learn English you should be relaxed, motivated and you cannot be punish yourself that you didn’t learn something this day. It’s really important. Then the words, vocabulary will be in your head! I recommend Vagaru for everybody, don’t be shy, be proud of yourself, of every step that you’ve done during learning process of language. So thank you very much, see you, cause Im staying with Vagaru!

Blog to nie tylko strona o tym, jak najlepiej nauczyć się słówek i gramatyki, i jak mówić swobodnie po angielsku, uwzględniająca najnowsze doniesienia ze świata neurobiologii, to także i przede wszystkim społeczność otwarta na poszerzanie horyzontów myślowych.

Zabieramy Cię na wagary i pokazujemy inną stronę tego, co zostało utarte. Zabieramy w podróż szlakami mniej uczęszczanymi, a jednak wartymi zachodu. Mówimy o tym, o czym nigdy nie powiedzą Ci w szkole, o tym, jak pokonać strach przed mówieniem, na czym w ogóle nauka polega, a także czym jest fajnie życie, wolne od stresu i lęku, o podróżach, wolności (także) finansowej i o tym, że nie trzeba w ogóle do szkoły chodzić, żeby coś w życiu osiągnąć.

Szalenie prawdopodobnym jest, że po tym, czego się tu dowiesz, Twoje życie nigdy nie będzie takie jak wcześniej, więc wchodzisz na własne ryzyko ;-)

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